A picture is worth a thousand words。 So lets again pare the financial statements of people who pay themselves first against someone who doesnt。
People who pay themselves first
Job………》|Ine |
^ |… |
| | Expense | |
++ |
| Assets | Liabilities |
| | |
Someone who pays everyone else first… Often there is nothing left
Job………》|Ine |
| Expense | 》 Nothing left!
| Assets | Liabilities |
| | |
Study the diagrams and notice if you can pick up some distinctions。 Again; it has to do with understanding cash flow; which tells the story。 Most people look at the numbers and miss the story。 If you can truly begin to understand the power of cash flow; you will soon realize what is wrong with the picture on the next page; or why 90 percent of most people work hard all their lives and need government support like Social Security when they are no longer able to work。
Do you see it? The diagram above reflects the actions of an individual who chooses to pay himself first。 Each month; they allocate money to their asset column before they pay their monthly expenses。 Although millions of people have read Classens book and understand the words 〃pay yourself first;〃 in reality they pay themselves last。
Now I can hear the howls from those of you who sincerely believe in paying your bills first。 And I can hear all the 〃responsible〃 people who pay their bills on time。 I am not saying be irresponsible and not pay your bills。 All I am saying is do what the book says; which is 〃pay yourself first。〃 And the diagram above is the correct accounting picture of that action。 Not the one that follows。
My wife and I have had many bookkeepers and accountants and bankers who have had a major problem with this way of looking at 〃pay yourself first。〃 The reason is that these financial professionals actually do what the masses do; which is pay themselves last。 They pay everyone else first。
There have been months in my life; when for whatev
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